Postdoctoral Positions in Life Sciences Institute at Zhejiang University

Introduction of LSIZJU:


The Life Sciences Institute (LSI) was founded in October, 2009 as the first Special Academic Unit of Zhejiang University. Located in Hangzhou, one of the most historic, picturesque and livable cities in China, LSI aims to be an internationally recognized biomedical research institution. LSI has assembled a Scientific Advisory Board comprised of world-renowned biological scientists to offer consultation on faculty recruitment and institutional development, and continued its effort to recruit top-tier scientists world-wide of any nationalities to establish laboratories focusing on fundamental questions in life and biomedical sciences.

LSI currently has 28 faculty members in areas of cancer biology, regenerative medicine, inflammation biology, systems biology and structural biology. LSI is empowered by unparalleled freedom in academic, graduate education, personnel management, and financial flexibility within the university. We offer a state-of-the-art core facility, including next-generation sequencer, super-resolution microscopes, multi-color flow cytometer, mass spectrometer, small animal in vivo imaging facility, zebrafish facility and a large number of shared facilities on campus.

LSI has achieved impressive accomplishments in the past few years. To further strengthen its international competitiveness, LSI is expanding its research programs with top scientists. We cordially invite outstanding scientists at all levels around the world to join LSI.

In order to enrich the research team, LSI recruits outstanding postdoctoral around the world.


(1) A Ph.D. degree in life sciences, basic medicine or other related fields, with publications in international journals. Trainings in cancer biology, stem cell biology, inflammation biology, systems biology and other disease-related areas are particularly preferred.
(2) Self-motivation and innovative thinking with solid techniques in cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology.
(3) Ability to understand and criticize research papers in English.
(4) Excellent writing and oral communication skills in English, a strong sense of responsibility and team spirit.
(5) Independence in scientific research with guidance from the PI.



Salary will be commensurated with experience, following the guide line of Zhejiang University. A competitive salary package will be provided (excluding mentor' work allowance and postdoctoral fellowship funded by the Institute).

*Special Funding

Ph.D. graduates from the world’s top 100 universities and colleges, foreign Ph.D. graduates from top overseas universities or other outstanding PhD graduates will be provided 200,000  RMB annually by the university, and it should reach above 300,000 RMB annually with the fund from the mentor and the Institute.

*Key Funding

Foreign Ph.D. graduates or Ph.D. graduates from top overseas universities, universities in the list of China’s “Double-First Class” initiative or preponderant disciplines, will be provided 100,000 RMB -120,000  RMB annually by the university. It should reach higher than 170,000 RMB for candidates plus the fund from the mentor and the Institute. 

* Standard Funding

Other Ph.D. graduates will be provided 60,000 -80,000 RMB annually by the university.

After evaluation, outstanding postdoctoral can get fellowship funded by the Institute, no more than 50,000 RMB annually.

1. A full CV including all education and working experiences;
2. Supporting documents (i.e., publication record and received awards);
3. Contact information of 2-3 references.
Please email all materials in PDF format to the PI of interest.

Position openings are listed below:


PIResearch InterestsEmailTel
Dr. Xin-Hua FengProteins modifications and signaling networks in cell growth control, tumorigenesis and  86-571-88208038
Dr. Kunliang GuanThe molecular mechanisms of cell growth, cell metabolism, and cancer.kuguan@ucsd.edu86-571-88206016
Dr. Haiwei SongStudying structure and function of proteins and complexes implicated in human
Dr. Heng-Yu FanThe mechanisms of mammalian germ cell development and the desease model related to female reproductive
  Dr. Xiangwei He Mechanisms of chromatin-mediated  epigenetic stability in the fission  yeast S.pombe.  86-571- 88206639 
Dr. Jun HuangTo understand the molecular mechanisms underlying genome instability and
Dr. Jianping Jin
Ubiquitylation, Inflammation and
Dr. Chao TongAutophagy and
Dr. Pinglong XuElucidate the physiological role and underlying mechanisms of innate host defense and cytokine signaling in modulation of tumorigenesis and tumor
Dr. Sheng YeStructural
Dr. Bin ZhaoMolecular mechanism of organ size control and cancer; functional annotation of the
Dr. Yongqun ZhuMolecular mechanism of bacterial-host interactions in the
Dr. Dong FangElucidate the function of oncohistones in tumorigenesis and how the histone modificationsare
Dr. Xing GuoProteasome regulation in health and
  Dr. Junfang Ji microRNA  86-571-88208956
  Dr. Junling Jia Utilizing model organisms and  genomic/epigenomic approaches to  investigate fundamental questions  related to chromatin structure during  stem/progenitor cells proliferation  and differentiation. 86-571-88208502
Dr. Jin JinMolecular
Dr. Shixian LinProbing proteins modifications and life cycle with chemistry and
Dr. Aimin RenStructural and functional study of important RNA
Dr. Heng Ru
Research interests: The molecular mechanisms of antigen receptor gene recombination, DNA transposition, repair and its regulatory process by means of
Dr. Li ShenEpigenomic regulation in pluripotency,differentiation,and human
Dr. Hai SongMammalian embryonic development, stem cells, tissue injury and repair,  
Dr. Fangwei WangThe regulation of mitotic cell division, focusing on protein kinases and histone
Dr. Liming WangNeural regulation of energy homeostasis; Disease models for lipid metabolism and dysfunction;
Dr. Bing Yang
Develop mass spectrometry based technology for characterizing protein-protein interaction and protein
Dr. Long ZhangThe cellular signaling in tumorigenesis and cancer 
  Dr. Jie Zhou Structural, mechanistic and  functional aspects of protein  translation in  bacteria and eukarya  by using biochemistry, X-ray  crystallography and cryo-electron  microscopy.  86-571-88981373
Dr. Qi ZhouGenome Evolution; Evolution of Sex Determination Mechanisms and Sex Chromosomes of Birds and
  Dr. Qing Zhou Studying the genetics, genomics  and pathophysiology of inherited  disorders.  86-571- 88981042 
Dr. Saiyong ZhuStudying the molecular mechanisms controlling endoderm cell fate and developing effective cell-based and/or pharmaceutical therapeutics for metabolic