报告题目: Inducible mouse models for studying liver stem cell activation and tumor development
报告人: Yoko Endo Ph.D.
主持人: 仓 勇 教 授
时 间: 2011年2月28日(周一)上午9点
地 点: 医学院综合楼205报告厅
Brief Introduction of Speaker:
Dr. Yoko Endo received her M.D. from Tokyo Women's Medical University and Ph.D. from Kyoto University in Japan. She completed resident training in internal medical in Kyoto University Hospital, developing expertise in clinical hepatology and gastroenterology. She is a currently a postdoctoral associate in Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute in La Jolla, USA, supported by fellowship from the Japan Society for the Promition of Science.
2011.2.28 Yoko Endo博士(美国Sanford-Burnham医学研究所)学术报告
时间:2011年02月24日 访问次数:1129